WOM keeps missions in focus by leading the church to support missions through State-wide Missions opportunities, the North American Mission Board and the International Mission Board.  Emphasis is given throughout the year in support of the Myers-Mallory State offering, Annie Armstrong Easter offering and the Lottie Moon Christmas offering. 


In addition to these, WOM is also involved in many community-wide efforts throughout the year. Some of these involve the Robertsdale Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center; the Women’s Care Medical Center; the Silverhill Elementary School and Operation Christmas Child. Likewise, WOM is involved in ministry with the police station, sewing for Tanzania Missions, Thanksgiving food baskets and other opportunities as they arise.


Meeting monthly, this ministry is made up of women seeking to live Christ before the world at home and abroad. We invite women of all ages to join in as we minister in ‘Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria’….even the uttermost parts of the world.