The Children’s Ministry seeks to guide children to an understanding of Jesus Christ. We believe that by beginning early, children are more readily able to make a decision for Jesus at an earlier age. Each Sunday teachers come prepared to love on the children as they share about Jesus. Sunday school is offered for children ages 3 and older.
Nursery is also provided. Every class is taught age-appropriate lessons.
During the morning service at 10:00 AM Children’s church is available for each child aged nursery through 5th grade. This also is an engaging time when the children are taught Bible-centered curriculum including Bible study, crafts and games.
Wednesday evenings, TEAMKIDS come to life! Once again offered for ages To. Each class learns about Jesus, using their Bible to discover all about living for Him. It is kids in discipleship. Missions is a huge part of this curriculum as well. In the summer we also provide Wednesday Summer Fun nights, each having a different ‘theme’, including water night.
Annually, the church offers community-wide ministry opportunities including the: Annual Easter Egg Hunt Festival — concentrating on the true meaning of Easter; the Back to School Bash — offering encouragement and fun as children prepare to return to school, and the Fall Festival — an alternative to Halloween.
We look forward to seeing your children at one, if not each, of these opportunities.